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A Visit to the Handmade Paper Factory - Reflections

The Cycle Continues On…

Scrap, crush, roll, press, cut, use, scrap… and the cycle continues…

It is an everyday exercise to open our books, turn its pages and read/write from it. Where does it come from? What do we typically do once we finish using notebooks? Dump it in raddi shops? Crush and trash?

The Handmade paper Factory, located near the Agriculture College, Pune has an impelling philosophy and history to add sensitivity in our children. Started by Gandhiji in 1945 with the motto, ‘Make Paper, but Save Trees’, the Paper Factory stands honest to its principle till date. It carries the legacy of having supplied custom made handmade paper upon which the Constitution of India was written.

 Approximately 20 enthusiastic BMS children gathered at the entrance of this historic setting. They were amazed to see the entire process as to how the scrap paper and cloth was crushed by machines, turned into pulp and pressed into sheets to form exquisite paper of different shades, designs and sizes. Further hung and cut into sizes and modelled into various items such as lamp shades, notebooks, envelopes, etc.

Time is cyclic, seasons are cyclic, life is cyclic, and so also should be the little things we buy/do in our lives and in our children’s lives. Materials which have no way to be absorbed back in our natural eco system must be reduced or rejected as far as possible.  To understand the divine creation, appreciate the ways human beings can fulfill their requirements yet aligning with creative laws…. All this plus understanding how the paper comes to their notebook.

The visit was enriching for the children’s growth, stimulated in them  a sense of appreciation for other’s hard work and; provided fire for digestion of the practical knowledge about the little things of this sphere.


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