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Perpetuating the Positive Samskaras

Inspiring our children to discipline themselves is the whole & soul responsibility of the parents. Discipline is a prerequisite to prepare them to face the challenges of this world. To bolster them with inner strength to:

  • Conquer themselves,
  • Set their goals,
  • Follow their dreams.

Age group of 6 to 15 is the perfect time to make children aware of right conduct, obedience, and regulations (Anushasan, Agyapalan, Niyam palan) – which is a preface to ‘conquering themselves’.

Four Pointers towards holistic discipline in life:

  1. स्वाद  संयम – Self Control on Food

    • Eat what comes to your plate with a grateful heart.
    • Be mindful of the nutrient values, which enhance your healthy growth.
    • Take little and do not leave / waste food on the plate.

2. अर्थ संयम – Self Control on Money

  • Discriminate wisely when to spend money and on what.
  • Fancy expensive scented erasers. Is it essential?
  • Learn the art of valuing things.
  • Do not measure a person by money, but by character.
  • If you are successful, it leads to satisfaction. Otherwise, children will always be dissatisfied.

3.      वाणी  संयम – Self Control on Speech

§  Express wisely.

§  Watch the tone, time and person when you speak

4.      समय संयम – Self Control on Time

§  Pace your work as per time

§  Prioritize

§  Do not go on forever. Reach completion!

The sure way of aligning your child to these principles is to follow them ourselves – pass the legacy in the form of self-practice coupled with succinct exposition of the ‘WHY we do it’  behind, the ‘WHAT we do’.

In this way all the samskaras you worked upon in the formative years of your child (0 to 5 years), will now firm up for permanence in the years to come.

Acknowledgment: Extracts from Smt. Indumati Katdare's Lecture.


  1. It's so importanto to teach children above controls..
    I am so happy by reading your article..
    Thank you so much for sharing it with all of us..
    It's so useful

  2. Excellent write up Varsha Ji! Discipline is so important in every walk of life and especially if that comes from formative years of life an individual can contribute too his/her full potential. Looking forward for more wisdom!

  3. Very well articulated Ms Varsha !! Thanks for your words of wisdom.

  4. Valuable inputs for parenting. Thank you for sharing the wisdom


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