My child comes home from his evening play. ‘Hands dirty? Shoes full of muck? Soiled clothes?’ , and the voice gets louder and louder… If the tree felt, my root is getting dirty, we would not see flower and fruit. The soil is a living force an intelligent force – an inherent component of my body and my child’s body too! (And I thought I was intelligent - with my inability to dig my hands in the soil of our motherland). Recently I took a workshop with 7th graders on ‘Soil’ as the subject. Sitting in the locked up areas of our homes, my mind was reeling – this subject has to be an experiential teaching – amidst the green fields and farms. And now a lock down? Then I thought - The children should at least touch, smell and feel the element that I am talking about. So the online class was about sitting through the first half of the lesson with their feet and legs embraced in wet mud. Sharing their experiences of that mud after the session was mind blowing! HAVE YOU FOUND YOUR RAP...